
vineri, 10 august 2018

4 Tips to buying a luxury hair straightener

Choosing the best out of the many luxury straighteners out there could be a hassle if you’re not aware of what you need. Believe it or not, hair straighteners aren’t all made equal, even those of the luxury kind. Still, it’s important to know the different features you’ll need if you plan to invest in one. From the right size, plate material, temperature settings, and so much more, this article will be your best buddy when it comes to choosing the right straightener to buy. Ready? Here are 4 tips you should know:

1. Consider the plate width

Hair straighteners come in different widths. The ranges vary, depending on usage. Some being as narrow as 2 inches, to as wide as 3 inches. Generally, the wider the plates are, the faster it will be to straighten your hair, of course considering that the wider surface area gets to heat more of your hair. Consider how you want to you use the flat iron. For those that have fine hair, a wide plate flat iron could be damaging as it applies too much heat. If you want something travel sized, consider narrower plates as it could be fit easily in your bag and can be packed easily.

5 Tips to buying a luxury hair straightener

2. Choose the right plates

The plates of a flat iron can be made from a variety of materials. You may have noticed it too. Some straighteners look like your regular iron plates, and some are porcelain white. Tourmaline iron plates are recommended for those with thick, curly, or coarse hair as these plates heat up quickly, allowing you to apply higher temperatures more quickly. Some straighteners are made of ceramic plates. These can be used for a wider range of hair types because it heats up gradually allowing you to style your hair better as it straightens out. Another type of material used for flat irons is tourmaline. They’re more commonly known as ionic plates and are perfect for damaged hair. The plates produce negative ions that help reduce frizziness and seals the hair shaft.

3. Get the right shape

If you look closer at different type of hair straighteners, you’d notice that not all plate surfaces are flat. Some are flat, and some have curved edges. Would you believe the way the edges are curved affects its versatility? Slightly rounded edges turns your hair straightener into a hair curler instantly! And the regular flat irons with sharp edges, they may not be 2-in-1, but they make for better straighter hair.

4. Check the temperature 

Checking the heating system of your hair straightener will tell you how powerful it is in working your hair. You don’t necessarily need the hottest ones, and it could damage your hair. Always consider your hair type in buying a hair straightener. If you can, consider getting a product with adjustable heat settings so that you can better control the style of your hair. Sometimes all we want to is to tame our locks, but not necessarily flatten them down.

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